Ghi chú Danh_sách_phim_điện_ảnh_có_doanh_thu_cao_nhất

  1. 1 2 Block & Wilson 2010, tr. 26Lỗi harv: không có mục tiêu: CITEREFBlockWilson2010 (trợ giúp).
    • Intolerance: "Domestic Rentals: $1.0 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Cleopatra: "Domestic Rentals: $0.5; Production Cost: $0.3 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  2. Birchard, Robert S. (2010), Intolerance, tr. 45, Intolerance was the most expensive American film made up until that point, costing a total of $489,653, and its performance at the box... but it did recoup its cost and end with respectable overall numbers.  In: Block & Wilson 2010Lỗi harv: không có mục tiêu: CITEREFBlockWilson2010 (trợ giúp).